

とにかく、私はクラスにいるほくの日本語の学生と七夕の話しを読みました。七夕の話はちょっとかなしと思います。織姫(おりひめ)は神さまのむずめで、織姫は毎日天の川のそばにはたを織りました。神さまはやさしいので、神さまは天の川の向こうにまじめな男の人をみつけました。あの人は彦星(ひこぼし)か牽牛(けんぎゅう)でした (牽牛は彦星の中国語の名前 - 人々は時々中国語のかんじを使いますが、おなじのひとなんです)。 彦星は畑で働く男の人でした。ある日、織姫は彦星とけっこんしました。二人はとてもしあわせになりましたが、二人はせんせん働かない人になりました。だから、神さまは怒って、織姫を連れて帰ました。織姫はとてもかわいぞうになっので、神さまは一年に一度彦星に会ってもいいだと言っていました。あの日は七月七日です。でも、天の川をわたるのはちょっと大へんでした。でも、烏はたくさん来ました。烏は羽を使って、橋を作りました。今、日本人は七月七日にたんざくに願いを書います。いつか、あの願いはかなうでしょう。



So...ummm...speech...yeah....about that....

Wasn't speech day the greatest? Seriously, though, many of the speeches were interesting as they covered a wide array of topics from summer vacations to rubik's cubes (which I remember solving simply by peeling of the stickers and reapplying them). Following the speeches were also the most interesting if not off the wall and in such a quantity that they could have been perceived as a stall tactic. I loved the Q&A part though, simply because of the funny questions and answers. Overall, the speech day was fun, if not dreadful.

My speech on the other hand was a pitiful utter piece of crap...which you can witness in the uploaded file below. It was scary, wrong, and just outright bad, lacking any sense of coherency or flow. Oh well... at least I tried (doesn't really show). At least it's over... that's always a relief.

Anyways, set your standards really low before listening to the speech. I find that it sound much better after three shots of vodka or so. Earmuffs may also help as would setting your computer to mute. In fact, I completely recommend against listening to it at all. But if you insist on listening to it, remember, the more alcohol you have in your system, the better...


